Leading for Impact
Developing Leaders & Boards to Meet Their Full Potential
My life’s work is to empower nonprofits and ministries to achieve their mission and make a bigger impact in their communities. If that sounds like something that could help your organization reach more people, you’ve come to the right place!
Become a Leader Others Will Want to Follow
Build Your Board to Maximize your Impact
Create a Workable Strategic Plan
How Can Your Organization Make A Bigger Impact?
There are a number of ways I can help. No matter what stage your nonprofit is at, you will find resources, information, and the support you need, to take it to the next level.
Explore this Site. I have written and published over 200 blog posts — all created to help nonprofits. Each of these in-depth articles are provided free, to help you become a better leader and improve your nonprofit. I have also created dozens of free actionable resources, to help you work through various challenges in your organization.
Hire me as your personal coach. I truly enjoy working one-on-one with nonprofit leaders to help move their mission forward. If you have a challenge in your organization that is stopping you from making an impact, and you believe you would benefit from one-on-one support – read more about Personal Coaching.
Hire me to work with your organization. I receive a number of requests to work hands-on with a variety of nonprofits. Many of these engagements tend to focus on specific challenges such as improving board leadership, leadership transition, or strategic planning. If you believe your organization has a significant need in one of these areas, and you’d like to find out more, please visit our Mission Critical services.
Book me to speak at your event. I have been speaking for various organizations for more then 10 years. While my schedule is limited due to other commitments, I still book events on a case-by-case basis. Learn more.
Connect with me online. I am active across various social media platforms, provide periodic updates, and share my experience, through my email list. I invite you to connect with me, or sign up to receive emails on a regular basis.
Is Your Nonprofit Ready For Some Help?
The Break Through Quiz was designed to help you learn more about your nonprofit and assess current strengths and weaknesses. Find out if you are on track for success or headed for challenges.
If you have a question about help for your organization, or have a need not met by my current services, please contact my team so they can see if we can help.