Managing Out Poor Performers

Managing Out Poor Performers

Nothing spreads faster in an organization-or possibly could be more damaging to one-than when a leader tolerates unacceptable performance from an employee. Word gets around fast. It weakens the leader’s influence, “demotivates” top performers, and can put overall...
Got Talent?

Leader vs Manager

I know, I know. You’ve heard this before. One of the oldest distinctions every aspiring leader has to understand. But, stay with me. I recently saw this distinction demonstrated in a new, very clear, very demonstrative way…not once, but twice. Leaders naturally...
Got Talent?


Have you ever had to rebuild a department…or entire organization? Did you wrestle with how much to structure the process versus letting others handle it? We did. One of our departments had gone through a tough period. An ego-driven, bully-type person had led it. There...


They say if you want to improve something, start measuring it. School grades, weight, financial results; we measure a lot. But, do you measure what really counts-the activities that ultimately determine results? Do you know what key activities determine your...