Are You the Sage on Stage?

Are You the Sage on Stage?

One of a leader’s most important responsibilities to the organization and its staff is the development of subordinates. How do you handle this? Do you give others a chance to grow, to work on something a bit above their pay grade, to struggle with a complex...
Tough Calls Made…Easier?

Tough Calls Made…Easier?

I recently attended the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast one day Conference and hear Andy Stanley speak on making choices and decision making. He set up the scenario in which an important decision must be made, one that you, the leader must make…not your team. HE gave us...
Form Follows Function

Form Follows Function

Working with a nonprofit recently, I asked to see a copy of its organization chart-you know, the chart depicting how things are organized. As soon as I saw it, I became leery. The chart listed the names of people, rather than the departments they lead. This is often a...