“Board Building” – Articles

Put Passion back into your Nonprofit Board Meetings

Put Passion back into your Nonprofit Board Meetings

If you’ve struggled to increase board meeting attendance, raise the energy level in your meetings, develop a clearer focus on your mission, or instill a fiery passion back into your boardroom, I have an answer. It is quite simple, costs nothing, and you can do it at...

You Need a Prickly Pair on Your Board

You Need a Prickly Pair on Your Board

I love the desert, not just because that is where spring training of my beloved losers-The Chicago Cubs- practice but because of its unique vegetation. Cacti come in many different styles. Some say there are over 2,000 species of these complex living creations. One...

My Recent Trip to the Twilight Zone!

My Recent Trip to the Twilight Zone!

There must have been a full moon out recently. I had back-to-back meetings two weeks ago with two different nonprofits and thoughtI had entered the Twilight Zone. At my first meeting, members of a nonprofit board were complaining about their CEO's not doing what the...

Maximize Your Nonprofit Board’s Performance in 2014: Here’s How

Maximize Your Nonprofit Board’s Performance in 2014: Here’s How

Time to set the tone for the new year. Your budget and goals may be set, but how about your board? Unless you want the board to simply roll into 2014 and repeat its (good, or average, or poor) performance from 2013 you'll need to do something to "up their game"....

True Confessions in the Board Room

True Confessions in the Board Room

Are your board meetings getting a bit routine and boring, especially as you negotiate through next year's goals and budget? Do you wonder if you are getting full and complete feedback and "best possible" thinking from your board of directors? Here's a quick way to put...

Electrify Your Sleepy Directors

Electrify Your Sleepy Directors

Fall is planning time for most nonprofit executive directors and board CEO'S. Two questions you may be asking yourself are: How can I get more out of our current board next year? Or, How can I re-awaken and fire up those solid directors who "checked out this past...

5 Unspoken Thoughts of Your New Board Members

5 Unspoken Thoughts of Your New Board Members

With the end of the calendar/fiscal year approaching, many nonprofit boards will be undergoing important change. New directors are coming and term-expired directors will be leaving. Thank you to both groups for your service. Change is never easy but it is necessary...

Transformational Thinking on Board Recruitment

Transformational Thinking on Board Recruitment

On a trip out west recently I visited a nonprofit organization that just blew me away. I have written in the past about the importance of strategic alignment and impact in the past and this organization has it all--and then some. I thought I'd share some information...

Harvesting a Team of New Key Partners

Harvesting a Team of New Key Partners

I recently met with a board president and Executive Director wanting to rebuild their board, generate new "buzz" around their brand, and increase the number of strategic partners. They had been operating "very thin", of late. The agency needs a shot in the arm with...

Why Your NP Board Gets Nothing Done

Why Your NP Board Gets Nothing Done

I talk to a lot of board members and board chairs in my travels and one complaint I hear quite often, is "We just don't seem to get anything done. How can we make progress during our term in office?" I get this a lot! Sound like your board? Directors tell me they...

Transformational Thinking on Board Recruitment

Transform Your Nonprofit Board-Part-3 of 3

We are in a discussion of how to improve your nonprofit board's impact and execution through four transformational practices. So far, we've discussed: Consistency: how a Board Policy Manual, a strategic plan, and thoughtful board make-up can build in process, focus...

Transformational Thinking on Board Recruitment

Transform Your Nonprofit Board-Pt. 2

Last time, I identified four keys to transforming your board through authentic leadership. They are: Consistency, communication, execution, and accountability. I discussed consistency last week. This week, I'll cover communication and execution. Keys to Communication:...

Transformational Thinking on Board Recruitment

Transform Your Nonprofit Board–Pt. 1

Some might think it is easy for ministry boards to provide authentic leadership to their organizations. Consider: we all work for the same owner -- God, we all share the same ultimate purpose -- building God’s Kingdom here on earth for all eternity, and we all operate...

Electrify Your Sleepy Directors

Who fixes a Weak Board?

Who's responsibility is it to fix a weak nonprofit board that  no longer adds value, when the organization's needs exceed what the current board can provide? Who's job is it to be sure the organization has the right board composition to take the organization to the...

“Upping” Your Nonprofit Board’s Game

“Upping” Your Nonprofit Board’s Game

The respected ECFA, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, recently released its Governance survey, taken by 1,600 CEO'S, Board Chairs and directors from its member agencies. One of the more interesting learnings coming out of the survey was an agreement...

When a Board Falls Short of Expectations

When a Board Falls Short of Expectations

There must be something in the water around here. I've had coffee with four separate nonprofit executive directors over the last 45 days, each one with the  same problem--actually two problems. Their first problem is each ED believes their board is not providing the...

Got Alignment?

Got Alignment?

If you stop to think about it, leaders can significantly increase the impact of their nonprofit agencies without spending an extra dime. Say what? Let's say your agency has: Experienced leadership-CHECK! A clear and compelling strategic plan-CHECK! The respect and...

Work with Me

Ready to learn more? Check out the Work with Me page to find out how I can help you.