Learning to Lead for Impact

leadership insight from Tom Okarma

the latest and greatest…


Does Your Leadership Style Matter?

Does Your Leadership Style Matter?

If you're like most nonprofit leaders, you've likely gone through your fair share of leadership skills training such as marketing, budgeting, goal setting, etc. However, you may never have made it a priority to look within...

I’ve Written a New Book!

I’ve Written a New Book!

IT'S HERE!! It is with great excitement that I announce the arrival of my second book! This book focuses solely on nonprofit leadership, with the ins and outs of how to successfully achieve and maintain a leadership position. I really wanted this book to be different!...

board development

strategic planning

Form Follows Function

Form Follows Function

Working with a nonprofit recently, I asked to see a copy of its organization chart-you know, the chart depicting how things are organized. As soon as I saw it, I became leery. The chart listed the names of people, rather than the departments they lead. This is often a...


Want to be a Better Leader?

Want to be a Better Leader?

Switch to this type of Leadership.  Leadership used to be simple and straightforward. The boss decided what had to be done, told someone, and that person or committee got working on it. Clear, simple, quick, and efficient. It was called top-down, or positional...

How to Make Better Decisions

How to Make Better Decisions

Decision making season is here. We're closing in on the end of 2018 and that can only mean one thing. For better or worse you probably have some tough decisions to make. Are there changes you need to make in your organization? People you need to let go, or new ones...