Learning to Lead for Impact

leadership insight from Tom Okarma

the latest and greatest…


2020: New Year, Bigger Nonprofit Impact

2020: New Year, Bigger Nonprofit Impact

Will 2020 be a success for your agency? With 2019 quickly coming to an end, most of us are tying up loose ends and putting the finishing touches on our 2020 plans, goals, and budgets for nonprofit impact. Maybe you're even making a couple of last minute phone calls...

board development

strategic planning

This Time Around, get Edgy!

This Time Around, get Edgy!

With Fall just about upon us, thoughts naturally turn toward planning for 2014, year end board meetings, and next year's budget. In other words, a lot of deep thinking on some  important issues. Before you default into your normal year end mindset though, why not...

A Full 180 Degree Turn

A Full 180 Degree Turn

It won't come as a shock to many of you that I am a big sports fan. Always have been, always will be. For the record, I pull for any team with "Chicago" on its jersey--even soccer-tho I have no idea why people like that sport. And yet, while I follow each team, I...


I’ve Written a New Book!

I’ve Written a New Book!

IT'S HERE!! It is with great excitement that I announce the arrival of my second book! This book focuses solely on nonprofit leadership, with the ins and outs of how to successfully achieve and maintain a leadership position. I really wanted this book to be different!...